I received an email from Scott last night with the first few cues he’s been working on. He prefaced it with the following note:
“I’ve been working to build the score out of sounds of a human body basically dying from a virus like COVID. I’ve been recording and collecting sounds of heartbeats, coughs, wheezes, respiratory system failures, irregular blood flow, and so on, and distorting them in ways that might feel atmospheric or percussive if appropriate for the cue. Again, an emphasis on ‘experiment’ with this stage, but I’ve been merging these sounds with more conventional thriller techniques (in some cues more than others) to try to capture a sound-world that can be unique to PSYCHOPOMP.”
I’m not eloquent enough to describe how euphoric this paragraph made me. I eagerly clicked the link and played through the cues he sent. They did not disappoint. It’s till very early, but I am so stoked about where this score is heading.