New Title

I’ve continued working on the cut and have gotten more feedback from test screenings over the last couple months. The film is getting VERY close. Though, I started receiving one consistent note… people weren’t a fan of the title.

This was difficult for me. Brian and I decided on the title together. And I know he really liked it. The fact that I can no longer discuss it with him, for awhile I clung to the idea that I needed to keep the title to honor him. It didn’t help that every alternative idea was crappy for one reason or another.

But then a couple days ago I stumbled upon a new option thanks to a conversation with a friend as part of her feedback on the film. I thought about it long and hard. Picked the brains of some friends… friends who have watched a cut and others who know nothing about it.

The consensus… each person was intrigued. A great start. But there were several who didn’t know what the single-word title meant, and WHILE WE WERE TALKING they absently took out their phones and started googling. It seriously happened so many times. It felt like pretty incredible engagement. That clinched it.

My first feature is now entitled ‘Psychopomp.’