Happy New Year all! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season. Everyone likes to make resolutions for the new year, but those are often broken. I know I’ve been guilty of that in the past. I may or may not have a couple personal resolutions, but I wanted to avoid the “resolutions” for my career. I wanted to make myself a promise. Because a promise I never break (or so I promise myself).


In 2016 I have set two career goals. The first is to start making money as a director. I’ve had paychecks in the industry in previous years, but those have all been for other positions than director. This is a crucial step to leaving my day job behind and making a living as a filmmaker.


The second career goal is to direct my first feature. This is obviously a much larger undertaking, but one that I’m ready to tackle enthusiastically. I’m in early script conversations with friend, collaborator, and soon-to-be roommate Brian K. Millard. The idea is still in its infancy, but it’s something we’re both quite excited about.