Great news… we’re now officially picture locked! That means we only have three more things to do before we can share it with the world:


1) Visual Effects… we have a few visual effects shots in the piece (that I’m creating myself), and they need to be finished. They’re already pretty solid, but I want to touch them up a little bit before we step away entirely.


2) Color Grading… our Director of Photography, Zack, will be doing the final color grade. This is standard on any professional project. Color grading is the creative process of altering the color/contrast of the moving images to further enhance the visual tone. Zack and I will be starting this in just a few days.


3) Sound Design… normally with a music video, this wouldn’t be a necessary stage. But for dramatic effect, we have a short portion of the video where the music drops out. And we discovered in our test screening that we definitely need some sounds of the world. So I get to collaborate with Amy Reynolds yet again to build the sound for that moment.


After all of these are finished, we plan to launch the video December 1. So stop back then to check it out!